
Monday, 30 September 2013

How to have shiny nails?

How to have beautiful and shiny nails?

Hello dear!

I am going to explain a simple diet. First let me explain the ingredients and then i am going to discuss the benefits.


Pure lime juice/ Pure orange juice 1 cup

1 egg

Pure water

Sugar for taste


As you wake up in the morning, before having breakfast drink 1 cup of lime juice or orange juice.
Both juices will provide you citric acid and other vitamins.
Add pure water and 1 table spoon sugar for taste.
Lime juice should not be taken more than 1 table spoon.
It's okay to drink 1 cup or 1 glass of orange juice.

This juice will provide shine to your nails.

You can add calcuim into this juice. Here is a nice trick.

Take an egg and wash it. After you have washed the egg, put it inside the juice glass for some time.

Juice will gain calcuim from the egg's shell. Juice is healthy and tasty.

Now you can boil the egg or cook it as you wish.


I was in a beauty parlour 2 week ago and a lady narated this tip to me. I tried it my self and i think it is good.
My nails are shiny without any kind of manicure.
Try this tip and please tell me about the results.

I shared this tip because i got good results from it. Thanks for reading!

You can contact me on my facebook page"jenny j robert"

Monday, 23 September 2013

Why you should drink water?
Water is life. Without drinking water our survival is not possible. Our body mass is composed of 70% water. Our brain consists of 95% water. You can guess the importance of water for our development and growth. If brain is 95% water, it means all actions and activities require water involvement to some degrees. I am going to explain these reasons for you to drink water.

Weight loss
• Most of us are actually thirsty when we are feeling hungry. We try to feed ourselves with biscuits and snacks. It will be beneficial if you will replace water with other drinks. Pure fruit juices are beneficial. Do not try to eat when you are thirsty. Give your self a glass of this pure drink named as water.

• Water can help you lose weight. It is the best natural drink available for your health. If you will drink 1 glass of water, you will be thirsty for 1 more glass of water. In this way more water circulates through your body system. Water circulation will cause the removal of toxins and body fats from your body.

• Some people use water pills to lose weight. These pills are effective depending upon your usage. Water pills can help you treat heart problems and diabetes. But I don’t recommend water pills for you.

• Water pills are not beneficial for long term health. You will gain weight the moment you will stop using water pills.

• Water is the only available low calorie drink in the market. It contains 0 calories with a little amount of sodium. It is free of artificial additives.

• Opposite to weight loss, drinking water helps to maintain normal body temperature, fluid movements and digestive system.

• Water regulates every chemical reaction and decisive moment in our life.

• Water will keep your skin glowing. Your skin won’t require any kind of skin polish. You will be happy and fresh.

Divine nature will help you

I gave you some scientific statements. These are facts. But there is something I want to tell you from my own experience.

You can find this scientific data on any website on internet. But let me share a new angle. A the start of my article I said”water is life” and I mean it.

We all are busy into our daily activities. Sometimes we are stressful and tense.
Take a deep breath while you are reading it. Breathe deeply.

I want you to know that the stream of water has been there longer than time knows.

While there is tension and negativity around this world, water is the balancer of this world. Water and greenery keep this world into balance.
Water is a pure source of energy.

Whenever you drink water please remember that you are drinking a fluid which is colorless, tasteless and odorless yet it is tasty and healthy.

Allow this energy to move through your body and cells. You will get fresh, energetic and happy.

Thanks for reading!

If you are inspired by these tips please recommend them to your friends.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

The secret breakfast for long and healthy hair

The festival of lights!

Before the arrival of Diwali i am going to give you some tips on how to look smart before Diwali.
This is the first one.

If you want to have long and beautiful hair than you must try this breakfast.
Here are the ingredints:
1 tablespoon wheat cereal
4 tablespoon water
1 tablespoon honey
1 glass of milk
2 apples( Don't peel them)

Dip the wheat cereal into water for the whole night. In the morning you can cook the cearal as you want it to be.
Add milk into it.

Apple makes this breakfast heavy.
if you cannot eat apple in the breakfast, take apple at 11am before lunch time.

Comments are welcome.
Like me on my facebook page.
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Diwali preparation

Low calorie desserts

Hello friends!
I am with you with my first sweet dish. i am not a cook but i do have to find low calorie diets, make diet plans for my clients.
And for my self i have to make desserts that are delecious and have low calories. I have tried these desserts at home.
I invite you to read the recipie and try it at home.Happy Diwali!
Bread pudding
2 eggs Blend these eggs
Sugar half cup
Salt 1 pinch
Vanilla essence half tea spoon
Standard Bread slices 4
Butter 2 tea spoons


It is a really easy recipie. Blend sugar, salt, essence and eggs. Now put them into hot milk and stir them slowly.
Take off the corners of bread slices and put some butter on them. Make bread crumbs.

Take the baking pan and put 1 tea spoon butter on it so that is not dry. Put the bread crumbs and milk mixture into baking pan.
Now bake this mixture on a temperature of 325F for some time.
When it gets a slight colour of golden brown turn the oven off.
Delecious pudding is ready for you to enjoy.
It is a good dessert. It has small amount of sugar in it. My advice is that you should choose brown bread instead of white bread.
Have fun with this healthy dessert.
Thanks for reading!
happy Diwali!

Sunday, 15 September 2013

5 Myths about weight loss

Want to lose weight? Looking smart is a nice thing. I appreciate your efforts. Here are some facts you must know, before you try to lose your 1st pound.

I want to give you an idea. If it is your wish to look smart and attractive, dieting is not the right road for you.

Let me show you why?

1. Dieting is necessary for weight loss

Friends! It is just a wrong belief. Dieting will never help you shed some extra pounds. Do you want to deprive your self from food?

Surely not!

Food is our basic requirement. We need fats, protein, fibers, vitamins and other healthy nutrients.

If you will start dieting, your skin cells will start dying from deprivation of vitamins.

It is the reason many girls in their teen years look lean and weak. They are not energetic; because they are not giving themselves the right nutrition. They are on a dieting plan.

Girls will not drink milk because it gives them fats.

They will cut off evening meals, saying”no thanks” to every dessert and chocolate.
Whether you are a teen or a 40 year old person I want you to stop dieting at once.

If you are eating low fat food it is not good.

Look! Our bodies need fat to help in building cell walls, brain cells. We need fats to protect our bones and nerves.

This same fat will produce vitamin D3 from the sun rays from the conversion method.
Good fat sources are as follow:

Fish oil, olive oil and coconut oil etc. If you take saturated fats in moderation; like fats in organic butter, meat and eggs; it is also a good source of fats.

2. Eating less and calorie counting

This one is most common. One of my clients just keeps a journal near to her bed. She counts her calorie intake and the exercise she has done.

It just doesn’t sound right to me.

Can you feel you are healthy? You can eat whatever you want to eat. No restrictions.
That’s how I want you to be.

Take a positive attitude and look forward to life. Eat with moderation. Don’t be hard on your self.

If you want a chocolate treat give your self a chocolate.

Split the chocolate in two halves. Now eat 1 half, take your time and eat slowly. You will feel satisfied and happy.

Keep the other half in the refrigerator for later use.

Diet sodas help in losing weight

Do you think diet soda promotes weight loss?

Many people believe that diet soda and other artificial sweeteners will help them lose weight. That’s not true.

Diet soda is one of the 6 harmful drinks I mentioned. It has caffeine which only gives you taste and nothing else.

May be some extra calories too!

Don’t take diet soda. It is not helpful for losing weight.

Vegetarian cannot build muscles

I don’t believe in it. I can show you the evidence of my belief.

To build muscles we need protein. For every body building function protein is required. If you will take protein in your diet you can build muscles as meat eaters can do it.

If you take 50% carbs, 35% fat and 15% of protein in your diet, you are eating a healthy meal.

All of your body needs will be fulfilled from this diet.

Crash dieting

Again I am on point 1. I have to insist on it.

Many people take a crash course on dieting. For a month or two they will be dieting hard, making themselves slim and weak.

After that time period is over they are weak. Protein is muscles have been used in their starvation mode.

Their eye side weakens, shoulders are in pain, hair fall occurs, headaches, back pains are common.

Above all

“ If you lose something you want to get it back So if you lose 25 pounds you want to gain 25 lbs back as early as possible.
May be you will get 3o pounds back.”

This is all for right now.
Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. You can also ask questions which will be satisfactorily answered through this blog.

Thanks for reading. Keep visiting for further updates.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

How to do exercise at home? For women
If going to gym feels uncomfortable or you don’t want to spend your time and money on buying exercise machines. Go with your feelings.

Stay at home and I am going to tell you how to exercise at home without need of any equipment.

You are going to be your self mentor. You can coach your self from this article. I am going to show you some easy exercises, moreover I will be writing this article series so that I can provide you complete set of home exercises.

All I need you to have is an exercise mat or yoga mat; music equipment and a silent place where you will not be distracted from others.

Invite your friend to your home. Invite them to do exercise with you. Put on a piece of music. By all means make this exercise fun for you.

If you will not enjoy it ; you cannot stick with any health program.
That’s it.

Starting with step 1

Your breathing plays a vital role in your life. You know that. Now before going any further, answer this question

How many times in a day, you breathe deeply?
Deep breath means relaxed breathing. A feeling of relief.

In most cases, the answer of this question is NO. We are too busy in our daily life, that we don’t have few seconds to breathe and relax.

Do you know, if you can improve the quality of your breathing you can live longer and healthier.

Our whole life depends upon breathe, the moment we will stop breathing we will die.
To breathe and relax, meditation and yoga was designed. My purpose is not to tell you how to do yoga or meditation.

I am giving you simple tips to exercise at home.

If you have an exercise mat simply sit on it with your legs crossed. Put your hands on your thighs, your back bone should be relaxed and straight.

Now, close your eyes. Let all the tensions melt away simply breathe. Take a long breathe in and a long breathe out.

Let the body relax.

If you can find the rhythm of your breathe and follow it. Do it for 5 minutes. Just 5 minutes.

It will be great to put on a beautiful piece of music and then match the music with
your body rythym.

Step 2Now you are relaxed, I am going to show you the tree pose

Stand still, with your feet firmly grounded.

Arms should be on your side. Face facing the front side. Hips should be parallel to your feet.

Now take the first step. Right leg out and press it on your left leg. Bring it up as much as you can. If you cannot press right leg on the top of left thigh, bring the right feet toward your left shin.

Breathe. Take simple breaths.

Step 3
Chair pose

In most gyms, this pose is known as chair pose. In yoga language this pose is called Bended leg pose. Whatever name you give to this pose; process and the benefits are the same.

Stand firm in the tree pose and bend your both legs together. Remember your feet will not leave their place. Do not move your feet.

Work with your waist and legs. Standing in chair pose take some breathes. If you are feeling tired; leave the pose and come back to tree pose.

Single sided leg pose

This pose is best for weight loss; because it uses every single muscle of your body. It is a tough pose for beginners.

If you like challenges this pose can be fun for you.

Stand on your exercise mat with your leg wide open to full extent. Your toes should be facing front side. Hips parallel to feet.

Put your hands on your waist; take your right foot inside. Bend on your right knee. Your left foot should be wide apart from your right foot.

Bend your waist toward the right bended knee. Bring your left hand toward your face. Your left fingers should be parallel to your face.

Look up and breathe deeply. As I mentioned earlier it is a difficult pose for beginners. Keep Breathing.

If you are not comfortable, come back to the standing pose and rest for a while. Catch up with your breaths and then start again.

You will feel your whole body is shaking; as you will gain practice and stamina this will become easier for you to do.

It is a great practice for burning fats and calories.

It has a great advantage too. Your body will be shaped by doing this exercise.

Step 4 part 2
You have done the step 4. Now do these poses for your left leg. Bend the left leg and do this process again.

Step 5
This pose is known as bird pose and down ward facing dog pose.

If you don’t know the name; don’t worry. I will give you the procedure.

Come back to the tree pose. Bend your waist. Place your hands with your feet. Look upward.

Now take your right leg away from your right hand. Take your left leg away from your left hand.

Now you are on your hands and feet. Make a firm ground with your hands and feet.
Provide a solid foundation.

Take a breath in and expand your chest. Lift your back bone upward. Breathe out and relax. Do these poses for 5 breaths.

Step 6
I call this pose the cobra pose but it is also known as upward facing dog.

Be in the downward facing dose pose. Lower you’re self on your hands and feet. Let the legs be straight. Place your elbows close to your waist.

Your hands should be in the push up position.

Take a deep breathe, straight your arms, look up, Breathe out and come all the way down.


This is all for right now. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Top 5 natural weight lost supplements that work

5 Natural weight loss supplements

Here are some naturally working supplements.They are available at a very low cost and are easy to use.

Weight loss supplements
1.Green tea
Why it works?

2.Bitter orange

3.Fish oil
Use of fish oil

4.protein shakes
why protien?

5.Coconut oil
Why coconut oil?

Myth about Weight loss supplements
"I don't need to diet or exercise if i am taking a weight loss supplement."
That's the wrong mindset.
If you are taking a supplement, ,doesn't mean you should stop your exercise routines.
Take the supplements but do go to gym or exercise at home.

Green tea
Green tea is approximately a natural supplement.
Green tea promotes weight loss. It has many other benefits too.

Why it works?

Green tea supplement burn fats. Greean tea contains caffeine and this caffeine will stimulate you to move and exercise.
You will burn more calories if you exercise more.

If you are sensitive to caffeine products don't take caffeine too much. Caffeine can distrub your heart rythm and sleep.

Bitter orange

well friends!

Bitter orange is a safe subtitute for ephedra. Bitter orange (citrus aurantium) is similar to a herb named ephedra.
Ephedra can cause increased blood pressure and arrythmias.

I am not saynig bitter orange is free of these disadvantages but still usage of bitter orange is better than using any ephedra supplement.

Fish oil

Fish oil is an easily available supplement at a very low cost.

Why it works?

American journal of nutrition published that fish supplements used in conjunction with low calorie diet has shown a great effect for weight loss.

Fish oil is usually available in capsules or in the form of bottled oil.

Remember fish oil is ligth sensitive, so only buy products that are packaged in dark or opaque bottles.

Protein shakes

Why to use protein shakes?

If used properly, protein is a power house for weight loss. Protein is a muscle builder.

More muscles you gain, increased metabolism rate you will have.
If you take protein serving early in the day, you will feel filled and satisfied. protein prevents craving.

One thing you must know, protein has the same amount of calories as carbohydrates. So you don't want to take protein along with your regular meal.

You should have a balanced diet. Adjust protein into your balanced diet.

Why not try a scoop of protein blended with milk skim and frozen fruit. It is a good dessert and will provide you benefits.

You can have protein from these sources:

Milk protein, whey, beef, egg, pulses and soya.

Coconut oil

coconut oil is a good natural supplement. It offers a number of health benefits.

Why coconut oil?

Coconut oil is a remarkable supplement to reduce abdominal fats.

In a research study held in 2009, participants(women) were given coconut oil for 12 weeks.
Researched showed women decreased their abdominal fat vs women who were using soyabean oil.

These are the five natural supplements to assist you in your weight loss efforts. Thanks for reading!
You may read health information at

Saturday, 7 September 2013

6 worst drinks for your body

Hi friends!
I am going to share with you 6 of the worst drinks for your body.
You must avoid them. Drinking water, drinks, juices is necessary. But juices are supposed to provide us with nutrition and vitamins.
What if?
If drinks are doing more harm than providing vitamins?
We got to be aware of them!

Energy drinks
Energy drinks were not at the top of my list. But i had to add them because of a serious news i heard.
when it comes to energy drinks they are usually referred to be products having caffeine.
But that's not the whole story.
Energy drinks are overloaded with sugar and caffeine. They will provide you instant burst of energy, but after that you will ultimately crash and you will be wishing to zonk out.
Researchers found 50% of US adolescents and young adults are drinking energy drirnks on a regular basis.
That's awful!
You know, Caffeine level in such drinks ranges from 6 miligrams to 242 miligrams per serving.
If you take Alcohol with moderation, ( 2 drinks or less a day) it is enough to raise your cholestrol level, boost the blood flow and improve your sugar metabolism rate.But if you jump on another level, taking one more drirnk( 3 or more drinks per day) the results are worst than you can imagine.
In March 2011 American Cancer society found that the risk of cancer found that the risk of cancer death is 36% high among people who drank liquor heavily.
Friends, please try to avoid liquor.
Liquor disadvantge2
Teens are the main victims of energy drinks and liquor. It is horrible. Teenagers and young adults in excitement or adventure drink alcohol heavily.
This has a really bad impact on their health.
Some teens mix out liquor with energy drinks. Parents should take a look at their children activities.
You have a long life to live, many milestones are to be achieved.Don't hurt your body in temptations for excitement or adventures.
Success can be the greatest adventure of your life.
Flavoured Water:
Flavoured water is nothing more than coloured water with a lot of mixed sugar. Where flavoured water is meant to provide you with vitamins, it doesn't.
It has few calories in it with flavoured additives and a good tasting flavour resolved.
Surely it is not a great refreshment.
Regrardless of what it is providing you, flavoured water will deprive you from healthy drinks.
By drinking these kind of drinks, you don't have space for healthy nutrients.
Diet soda:
One of the main drinks you should be careful about!
May be a diet soda is calorie free but it doesn't provide you with any thing else. You are just drinking diet soda for nothing. That's it. You will get nothing. So why should you drink diet soda?
For taste?
There are many others natural drinks present wich are tasteful and healthy.
Lemonde was a refreshing drink but now it is not.
Now, lemonade is just a flavoured drink with sugar resolved in it.
It has 100 calories per cup, with 6 tea spoons sugar and zero nutritions. It is just like drinking liquid candy.
As lemonade has citrus acid in it, it may break down your teeth enamel. So, be watch ful.
Soft drinks
Well, here comes the soft drinks.
I just want to say " avoid soft drinks". Soft drinks will just provide you 150 free calories.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Easy weight loss tips!

Hi friends!
I am going to share with you some easy weight loss tips. They are not a big secret. Just healthy tips to live a better healthful life.
Weight loss is not a dificult thing to achieve, if you know the right path.
Do exercise regulary.
Atleast go for a walk. Walking in greenary for one hour daily is a great healthy habbit.You don't have to walk so fast or run, just take little steps first. Surely you don't want to stop while you are walking.
Just keep walking continuously!
Doing this kind of exercise will not give you quick results but it is great for long term weight loss.
Drink 8 glasses of water:
we must drink 8 to 12 glasses of water daily to live a healthy life. Water is essential for  a good life.
Drink water EARLY. before having your breakfast. This has much great effects for weight loss.Water will wash out toxins from your body leaving the body refreshed.
Avoid soft drinks:
Friends! i can't stress this enough.
Take away soft drinks from your life. 250 ml of any softdrink will give you an unwanted dose of 150 calories.
Obviously harmful for your weight loss efforts.
Stop dieting!
Weight loss doesn't mean stop eating. Starving is not helpful in any way.Only your body fats will be increasing.
Because, when you are dieting, body prepares itself for starvation.Which means your body is storing fats.

Eat your breakfast:
I recommend you to have a healthy breakfast at the beginning of your day. If you are fulfilled at the beginning of each day, you will not eat unnecessary food.
Have 1 serving of protein and some whole grain fibers.
A good cereal and an egg will do the job for you.
You will feel filled and energetic through out your day.
Nuts are great!
For your weight loss efforts i suggeat you should take nuts. In a recent Havard study, researches showed that nuts stand as a top ranking food for fast weight loss.
Nuts can give you calories without providing you fats.
You should not eat nuts excessively.Nuts are highly enriched source of calories. Usually 1 ounce serving of pistachio(49 nuts) will be providing you aproximately 157 calories.
Have 2-4 fruit servings per day
Fruits are a great natural source of vitamins. They can keep you fresh and energetic without providing you with fats and calories.
The more colourful the fruit is, the more highly enriched with vitamins it will be...
Vegetables provide us with fibers, carbohydrates and must take 2 vegetable servings along with your regular meal.
Salads will do a great job for you!